Wednesday, 20 March 2013

How To Crack Administrator Password in Window XP

How To Crack Administrator Password in Window XP

Sometimes you lost your Administrator password of your PC that time you are blocked by presence admin in your office/college and house to use admin rights. So this is little fright that you are confined of some Window XP services.

Here is the solution for that how to easily vary Administrator password without bright elderly password.

Just follow below simple steps :

Step 1. Go to RUN and type “cmd” and press enter.

Step 2. In command prompt type the below command

net user administrator *

Step 3. This will show you that “Type password for user”

Step 4. Here no. ***** format available so just type whatever password you want to set and then press enter.

Step 5. Retype password to confirm.

Step 6. Then after command screen will show that “This command completed successfully”.

That’s it, now log off current user & login with Administrator account and enjoy full access of your computer system. 


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